Sunday, August 11, 2024

The rhythms of a star system inspire a pianist’s transfixing performance

The cool red dwarf star TRAPPIST-1, which is located some 40 light-years from Earth, was first discovered in 1999. Its seven known exoplanets, which are all close to Earth-like in size, were discovered in 2016 and 2017. In this video, the French American pianist Dan Tepfer harnesses what he calls the ‘unusually harmonious’ orbital ratios of these planets for a unique musical performance. He introduces the planets one at a time on his keyboard, with each body’s orbit captured in both the frequency and rhythm of the notes. As he plays, visuals of the star system and his accompanying improvisations swirl around the screen, making for a transfixing melding of art and science. For more from Tepfer, watch his work TriadSculpture.

Video by Dan Tepfer

The rhythms of a star system inspire a pianist’s transfixing performance | Aeon Videos


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