Monday, December 21, 2020

Elizabeth Prettejohn - the woman who lived alone in an abandoned Devon village for 47 years

She led an incredible existence in the ruins of the village, living off her chickens and whatever the sea could provide

Elizabeth Prettejohn - the woman who lived alone in an abandoned Devon village for 47 years - Devon Live

Derelict Village (1960) - YouTube

Winter Solstice (by Wendy Andrew)


Feel Me now as Mother of Air.

Mine are the limitless skies and endless stars.

I am bird woman.

I lift your imagination and carry it on soft,

feathered currents to otherworlds.

I am bone woman.

I am the stillness between death and rebirth.

I am the stillness between breathing out and breathing in.

Rest in that pause.

Feel My presence

I am peace.