Thursday, January 7, 2021

Poem for the Fourth of January (by Brother Richard)


Four days ago

you resolved to begin again;

and you did.

But so far today has been


Don’t worry.

Here is a secret that may help.

The trees do not know

that the new year has begun.

Neither does the mountain.

The stones keep their own deep time

The first of January means little to the stars.

And even though the Moon and Sun offer us the service of marking the days,

the months, the years; they

are not foolish enough to count them.

So you see to begin or not

is your choice in every moment.

The river will continue its journey to the sea whether you plunge in or not.

For today perhaps it is simply

necessary for you to sit beside it a while

listening to its song of presence,

just knowing it is always ready for you

when you are ready to dive in again.

Let the cosmos teach you.

Before and after are always out of reach.

The calendar page is always falling away.

But every moment bears within it

the possibility of a new year, of a new life,

of a new you.

For every moment arises from Divine mind and heart, containing within

the breathing of the Dove,

the fiery heart,

the origin of all.

the very ordering of creation

the healing of all we find broken,

lost or yearning within.

So hear the call of the moment,

be open as the flower who,

not knowing nor asking

the time of her coming or going,

breathes deep and

simply blooms.

 Brother Richard's blog: mindful mystical musings. (