Sunday, August 1, 2021

Dear Land of Noor readers,

as of end of July 2021 Google will no longer support its free email subscription service. Users can still access content on the blog but new posts will no longer be emailed.

Land of Noor was/is an experiment in discovering what attracts my attention and how I might like to be seen and heard in the world. I will continue to post for now, as and when the spirit moves me, until I get clearer where and how I might like to take this.

If you would like to hang around a little longer all you have to do is re-subscribe using the Subcribe button on the right hand side (and of course do the same if you've stumbled upon this page by chance and like what you see).

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Hope it's all clear. If not, drop me a line or use the comments facility on my blog.

Thanks for hanging around,

Cosmic Egg

THE TRUELOVE (by David Whyte)

There is a faith in loving fiercely

the one who is rightfully yours,

especially if you have

waited years and especially

if part of you never believed

you could deserve this

loved and beckoning hand

held out to you this way.

I am thinking of faith now

and the testaments of loneliness

and what we feel we are

worthy of in this world.

Years ago in the Hebrides,

I remember an old man

who walked every morning

on the grey stones

to the shore of baying seals,

who would press his hat

to his chest in the blustering

salt wind and say his prayer

to the turbulent Jesus

hidden in the water,

and I think of the story

of the storm and everyone

waking and seeing

the distant

yet familiar figure

far across the water

calling to them

and how we are all

preparing for that

abrupt waking,

and that calling,

and that moment

we have to say yes,

except it will

not come so grandly

so Biblically

but more subtly

and intimately in the face

of the one you know

you have to love

so that when

we finally step out of the boat

toward them, we find

everything holds

us, and everything confirms

our courage, and if you wanted

to drown you could,

but you don’t

because finally

after all this struggle

and all these years

you simply don’t want to

any more

you’ve simply had enough

of drowning

and you want to live and you

want to love and you will

walk across any territory

and any darkness

however fluid and however

dangerous to take the

one hand you know

belongs in yours.