Friday, October 9, 2020

Clair de Lune: Soar around the Moon, carried by Debussy

Richard Hawley - The Ocean

What I am currently reading: Soul, Symbol and Imagination: The Artistry of Astrology by Brian Clark


Soul, Symbol and Imagination

Astrology is so much more than a predictive and prescriptive typology. It is a soulful and evocative tradition that engages us in both rational and imaginal ways of knowing. As a practice involving the archetypal world of ideas, images and symbols, it places the practitioner in between the event and the soul’s experience, as the one who can see through the literal to the symbolic. Each horoscope is an invitation to consider the gods that live through us and the archetypal powers that pave our path of life. And since astrology is intimately involved with the heavens, it will always be intimately involved with the divine. In this way astrology is divinatory, as it concerns the will of the gods and inspires a knowledge that is beyond our rational control and often outside our own understanding.

The Artistry of Astrology is a meditation on astrological practice and an invitation to return imagination to the heavens.