Friday, September 17, 2021

You Need To Be That Bright Spot (by Ryan Holiday of Daily


Another day of trolls on social media. Another day of vulgarity and partisanship in the media. Another day of needlessly rude emails and people shouting conspiracy theories instead of caring about each other. Another day with your neighbor who doesn't follow the rules. Another day of people speeding on streets where kids play.

It's enough to make anyone despair, what's wrong with everyone? Is everything going to pieces? Like the rest of us, you're probably looking for something to be hopeful about, something to inspire you. And it'd be wonderful if there was something major to point to, but there isn't.

No, if you want to see good today, there is only one option—do good yourself. As Marcus Aurelius writes, good news is something you make. You make it with good character, good intentions, and good actions, he says. You can't wait around for that to happen. In fact, he said, it doesn't matter if you hold your breath until you're blue in the face, people are going to stay selfish, stay mean, stay stupid.

All you can do is refuse to be implicated in that ugliness. All you can do is be the bright spot you'd like to see in the light. So will you? Can you? Please. Because we really, really need it.