Sunday, December 20, 2020

A new book by Brian Clark - coming 2021!

Can't wait for this to be published! Still reeling from the last one 'Soul, Symbol and Imagination'.

From Brian's ( monthly newsletter:


 A New Book By Brian


A new book by Brian Clark 
Due in 2021

Seasons of the Soul

The study of planetary cycles immerses us in the question and mystery of time. A horoscope ensouls time -  inviting us to imagine and animate it with the spirit of each moment.


While astrological timing may be complex and multi-dimensional, with practice we can learn to read and discern its archetypal images to give meaning to life experiences and events. Astrological Time: Seasons of the Soul is a guidebook exploring planetary cycles and the mysteries of time. 

The cover copies the 16th C fresco by Francesco de' Rossi ‘Time as Prudence seizes Occasion by the hair’ capturing the relationship of mortal and divine time (Chronus and Kairos) embodied by Prudence and Opportunity.




2020 review in pictures (courtesy of Matt)